Matek System's Crossfire-to-PWM signal converter, CRSF-PWM-6, adds adjustability and features over TBS's basic CRFS break-out board. It offers on-board voltage sensing up to 8S, allowing you to easily send battery state telemetry down to your transmitter without additional components such as a flight controller.
Compatible with CRSF protocol receiver only
Support any CRSF protocol receivers (including 433MHz, 868MHz, 915MHz, 2.4GHz)
6x PWM outputs
PWM frequency configurable (50Hz default, 100,160,330, 400Hz)
2x UARTs (for Receiver and GPS)
Telemetry ID: RxBt, Curr, Capa, Bat%, GPS, GSpd, Hdg, Alt, Sats
36V Max. battery voltage sense (1K:10K voltage divider built-in)
Compatible with external Current sensor (0~3.3V)
Vbat and Current sensor scale configurable
Failsafe value auto set
Firmware upgradeable
Rated voltage: 4~9V @5V pad, 0~36V @Vbat, 0~3.3V @Curr
No 5V regulator built-in, Servos must be powered via 5V pad by external 5V source.
25mm x 16mm, 1.3g
Package includes:
Dupont 2.54 pins, to be soldered by user if desired